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Management decision and decision support teaching team

Management decision and decision support teaching team is based on the doctor program in management science and engineering, and the master program in Computer Science and Technology, and Quantitative Economics. It is a teaching and researching team serving the undergraduate major - Information Management and Information System that was formed in the last several years development.

Centering on management decision and decision support series curricula, including operational research, managerial statistics, decision theory and method, economic mathematical model and simulation, mathematical modeling, principles of database system, database application development technologies, information system analysis and design, and data warehouse and data mining, the team develops teaching research and practical activities to create high-quality curricula and improve teaching quality.


Information system series curricula” teaching team

The team carries out construction and teaching by centering on information system series curricula, including foundation of information management, management information system, principles of database system, information system analysis and design, database application development technologies, organization and management of information resources, ERP principle and practice, accounting information system, financial information system, and logistics information system, etc.

   With the features of "disciplines intersection and integration, tamping teaching team growing foundation", "serving featured specialties, creating series curricula integration chain", "researching and teaching mutual promotion, creating teaching contents formation ring", and "innovating management mechanism, constructing team cooperation symbiosis field", through the fusing of theoretical teaching and practical teaching, fusing of fundamental theoretical courses and technical method courses, and fusing of technical method courses and application capacity courses, with improving students abilities of information system analyzing, designing, implementing, maintaining and managing as core, the team organically integrates information technology and financial management application and forms a series curricula integration chain integrating fundamental theoretical courses, method and technological courses, and application capacity courses.


Address:School of intormation Technology , Mailu Campus of Jiangxi University Of Finance and Economics,665 West Yuping Road,Nanchang,Jiangxi,China

Telephone:+86-791-83983890 Fax:+86-791-83983890 Postal Zip:330032

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