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SIM achieved excellent results in the provincial competition of the 18th "Challenge Cup"

        Youth shines through challenges, and challenges shape our future. From May 26th to 28th, the final competition of the 18th "Challenge Cup" Jiangxi Provincial College Students' Extracurricular Academic Science and Technology Works Competition was held at Jiangxi University of Science and Technology. 

        In this competition, our school's work titled "Innovation Research on 'VR Technology Empowering Education Brilliance': An Empirical Investigation Based on the Red Culture Communication Methods of Schools in Jiangxi Region," guided by Jun Zou, Zhijun Zhang, and Zhongsheng Qian, entered the final competition and achieved a provincial second prize. A total of 97 universities in the province actively participated in this competition, with 574 entries received. After the preliminary review and re-evaluation by the Evaluation Committee, 204 works were selected to enter the final competition. 

        Our school attaches great importance to the "Challenge Cup" competition and considers it an effective means to enhance students' practical and innovative abilities. In preparation for this competition, the school organized the relevant work meticulously. Various functional departments cooperated closely and established a comprehensive "Challenge Cup" competition service system. Prior to the competition, the guiding teachers provided systematic training to the participating teams, including topic selection, research report writing, and defense skills. During the competition, the teachers guided the team members to actively exchange and learn from other participating teams. After the competition, the teachers led the participants to carefully summarize and accumulate experiences. Adhering to the principles of "advocating science, pursuing true knowledge, studying diligently, being innovative, and embracing challenges," our school will continue to deepen the construction of the teacher guidance system, cultivate students' innovative practical abilities, and comprehensively enhance students' competition level to serve their growth and development.


Address:School of intormation Technology , Mailu Campus of Jiangxi University Of Finance and Economics,665 West Yuping Road,Nanchang,Jiangxi,China

Telephone:+86-791-83983890 Fax:+86-791-83983890 E_mail:sit@jxfe.edu.cn Postal Zip:330032

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