


报告主题:Data-driven Multiagent Decision Making(数据驱动的多智能体决策)

报告专家:曾一锋 教授

报告时间:2018年01月08日(周一) 10:00-11:30



Guiding a team of agents in order to accomplish tasks is a challenging artificial intelligence (AI) problem with implications in many fields such as robotics, computer games and so on. The problem is infamously hard when the agents are faced with adversarial agents sharing the common environments. A significant amount of progress has been achieved along this line of research particularly by tacking this problem from a single agent perspective. However, most of the work still stands on conventional AI modelling approaches that require precise and sufficient inputs of domain knowledge, which may further complicate the solutions.  This talk will report interesting results of solving the complex problems through data-driven approaches, and discuss challenges and potential solutions.


      曾一锋,英国Teesside大学计算机学院教授、博士生导师,2005年于新加坡国立大学工业与系统工程系获得博士学位。2006年至2012年在丹麦Aalborg大学任助理教授、副教授,2012年至今在英国Teesside大学任教授(Reader)。主要研究方向:人工智能、大数据、社会网络、计算机游戏等。近年来在Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research、Journal of Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems等国际重要刊物和Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence(AAAI)、International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence(IJCAI)、Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems(AAMAS)等国际一级会议上发表论文70多篇。担任数十个国际一级会议(AAAI、IJCAI、AAMAS、PAKDD等)和国际权威期刊(Virtual Reality Journal、Journal of Soft Computing等)的审稿员和评审委员会委员,担任IEEE International Conference on Big Data Service会议主席,多次受邀在大会和区域研究讨论会作学术报告。

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